Author Archives: karissa

I LOVE Your Product!

About the Cover Picture I used Apoxie Sculpt to adhere ALL the tesserae and it worked beautifully, I also used to again attach the horn caps to the head.  This is the first skull I have used Aves Apoxie Sculpt to adhere the entire tesserae. About the Artist: Mosaic Sanctuary I live on a large [...]

My Son’s Favorite Video Game Character

Artist: Joe Oliveri   I had a lot of fun turning this DIY vinyl figure into my son's favorite video game character using Apoxie Sculpt. This was the first time I've used this wonderful product. It really is awesome! Apoxie Sculpt is very easy to use, and great to work with from start to finish. [...]

Artful Gatherings

Featured Artist - Aves Studio
Meet the Artist: Cristina Zinnia Galliher Artful Gathering was established in 2009 by Cristina Zinnia Galliher. She has been an artist all her life and has been presenting online art workshops and artists for nearly ten years. Prior to the founding of Artful Gathering, Zinnia established Roses On My, where she shares her art interests [...]

The Gardens of Myth

Gardens of Myth
Artist: Kendall R. Hart It was the beauty and fantasy inherit in a botanical garden that first inspired my vision for Gardens of Myth. I have worked for years installing life size dinosaur shows in such venues and my own love of mythological creatures suggested the idea. Botanical gardens so easily transport us into a world [...]

Mosaic Classes

Mosaic Classes
Check out these classes by Minneapolis Mosaic Artist Sharra Frank

Building a Rock

Bonsai Tree
by Cheryl Sykora I have a really short needled, mother nature developed ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa, bonsai that is best shown as a semi-cascade. If everybody remembers the earlier article on ponderosa pine, short needle ponderosas grow naturally in areas of the Rockies. The ponderosa, when tipped sideways to achieve the semi-cascade, exposed a long [...]

Little Free Library

I'm very pleased with how the LFL turned out. The look is a close approximation of the actual Trinidad Memorial lighthouse. Applying stucco would have been messy, and harder to work with. The Apoxie was perfect!   Below are photos pre and post paint. 92 lbs of Apoxie used (yellow purchased from you, and 16 lbs [...]