“Apoxie Sculpt is a medium that I don’t think I will ever tire of using because I know that it has allowed me to do magical things with my art.” – Erin Prais-Hintz
About the Artist
In all the artistic pursuits that I do, I find myself reaching more and more for Apoxie Sculpt. I love it. I love that I can use it for small jewelry designs as well as larger mosaics. I love that it is easily accessible and has a quick learning curve, which makes it ideal for the classes that I teach. I love that it comes in a variety of colors (although my favorite color is black!). I love to use mica powders to give it a pop. You can even tint the white with oil paint and that opens up a whole new realm of possibilities! I love that this clay is easy to measure (I am all about eye-balling stuff!), to use (just mix and go!), and to cure (air dry! yea!). Apoxie Sculpt is a medium that I don’t think I will ever tire of using because I know that it has allowed me to do magical things with my art.
I am teaching my next class using Apoxie Sculpt through the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Continuing Education program. This online course is delivered by Zoom and includes a kit with all the materials needed, a resource guide, plus a link to the Zoom session. To learn more, https://www3.uwsp.edu/conted/Pages/Zen-Art-Series.aspx
Spaces are limited and the deadline for signing up ends soon! And hopefully this year I will be able to open up and teach some in person classes with Apoxie Sculpt as well!
Enjoy the day!
Erin Prais-Hintz
Thank you so much for such a great feature! I truly love this stuff, it has really transformed my art. Off I go to place another order! Enjoy the day! Erin