March Classes

Rachel Sager is offering a series of online mosaic courses, some of which depend heavily on Apoxie Sculpt as an adhesive for my Intuitive Malmischiato.

Two online courses that make use of Apoxie Sculpt as adhesive 100%.

Malmischiato 1.0
Malmischiato 2.0


Cheryl Cohen Mosaics Art Center Come join the fun!  My new online classes Create Mosaic Succulents, Create Mosaic Pendants and Create a Mosaic Garden Globe are open for registration.

Create Mosaic Succulents
Create Mosaic Pendants
Create a Mosaic Garden Globe


Erin Prais-Hintz is back with more UW Classes using Apoxie Sculpt!

IONU Owls: Owl Always Love You Edition  

Minutiae: Mixed Media Mosaic Jewelry Components  

Metamorph Butterfly Mosaic  

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