Making a base with Aves® ClayShay:

Time to customize! Well, actually this time we’ll be making a base from scratch using Aves® ClayShay. It’s a lightweight compound that feels like clay, but sets up like mache. It’s base form is a powdery pulp you mix with water to form a paper-mush of sorts. The more water you add, the thinner it [...]

Hints and Tips

Subject: Repairing and Coloring Antlers Author: Larry Reese, Wildlife Artistry Taxidermy E-Mail: After repairing antlers I have always tried to blend/paint the repair to match the original antler. I was never satisfied with the results so I began to experiment until I developed a method I like which would give me consistent, lifelike results. [...]

Fun with Aves

What is Aves? Aves? Aves is Aves® Studio. The manufacturer of some of the finest sculpting and taxidermy materials on the planet. They make a variety of clay, and mache's. You will not find a better variety of material to work with. These blogged articles are going to be dedicated to Aves® Apoxie® Sculpt, and [...]

Aves Apoxie Sculpt Beginner’s Guide

Rebecca Schumacher Here’s a Beginner's Tutorial for using Aves Apoxie Sculpt, the two part ambient set epoxy putty I sculpt with.  I work in layers with my pieces and will be writing this up to suit my methods. This is in no way associated with anyone or anything else, just the way I [...]

The Dragon Project

Ignorance is bliss or something like that. My name is Sandi Sturgeon and I am the owner of Steel Tattoos & Body Paint.  I do custom powder coating, airbrushing, and hand engraving mainly  for the motorcycle and automotive sector.  But I will work on anything if it fits in my paint booth and powder coating [...]

Professional Artists Choose Apoxie Sculpt

Anything is possible if you have the correct tools. Aves Apoxie Sculpt has opened many new artistic doors for me. I have been a polymer clay artist for five years and have felt restricted in my artistic visions until now. This new found product has enabled me to broaden my creative challenges. I now incorporate [...]

Embelleshing Jewelry with Apoxie Sculpt

For years and years, I had been searching for a putty to use in my artwork. I’ve been inspired by antique memory jars- vases and jars encrusted with found objects that were made in the early 1920s or even earlier than that. The putty that was used back then is no longer available, so I [...]