About the Artist
“I put a good deal of time into my gourd art, so I want to use the best materials that I can, Apoxie Sculpt is the best for what I do.”

I wanted to share this piece I made with you. My dragon took “Best In Show” in 2016 at the Ohio Gourd Show among two hundred + artists who show their art there. This is the second largest gourd show in the country. People who attend this show will still be talking about this piece even this year ; )
About this piece: 4 1/2 ft. dragon made from 17 gourds and gourd parts, glass eyes, and assembled and sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. I have such fun creating these with Apoxie.
Why do I use Apoxie Sculpt? Because I want a sculpture medium that won’t shrink, sag, crack, require heat or baking to cure (impossible with gourds), holds fine detail, sticks to the gourd surface, and can be used to stick gourd parts together. Apoxie Sculpt does all that, and does it better than anything else I’ve tried, such as Quikwood, paper clay, and polyclay. Also, I love the fact that Apoxie Sculpt smooths easily with water and takes texture so well. For a wrinkled skin texture in detail on an elephant or dinosaur, I use a mesh ribbon patted on the clay, and it’s very realistic. I put a good deal of time into my gourd art, so I want to use the best materials that I can, Apoxie Sculpt is the best for what I do 🙂
Thank you for sharing about my work.
– Barbara Ward
Facebook page, “Gordonville Gourdworks”