Tag Archives: Sculpture

Featured Artist: Hans Hiltl

“I use Aves Apoxie Sculpt because it has consistently proven to be the most reliable and versatile sculpting material for my projects… Aves stands out due to its ease of use and forgiving nature, especially when correcting mistakes or making adjustments… It’s hands-down my favorite sculpting material and an essential tool in my artistic process.”

Featured Artist Linda Shrader

Dearest Aves Studio and Brummel Family, I am writing to tell you that I AM SUCH A BIG FAN OF APOXIE SCULPT, AND THAT WORKING WITH IT IS SUCH A BLESSING!  As an artist, it’s been life changing, and I am grateful to all of you for making this amazing product. (On a side note, […]

Featured Artist Jim and Kathleen Mazzotta

Featured Artist Mazzotta

We found out about Apoxie Sculpt  from a gallery customer of ours years ago. She worked for a movie studio out in Hollywood and said the crew used it for quick sculpting for set pieces or costumes when they needed a custom item quickly for a shot. She told us “You have to get this […]

Sculpture Projects – Thor, Bantha and Cthulhu

I am new to  sculpting (I am a hobby blacksmith and potter) and discovered Apoxie Sculpt when converting a commercial Piggy bank.  It was the first of several sculpts to come. I received a blue piggy bank from a drawing at my work.  Looking at it - I realized I wanted to convert it to [...]

Design Earth Elemental Hands

By Claude RaymondThis Stone Elemental Hand is my second build of this type and this one was made with 4 fingers and a thumb making it look a little more human than the first build. It also has a slightly larger “Palm Planter”. The Palm Planters on my Stone Elemental Hands are rubber coated and [...]

Beaded Sculpture Game Changer

By Kiny McCarrick Hello Aves, I wanted to let you know how Apoxie Sculpt has completely changed my life. It has given me the perfect product to create my beaded sculptures. I can now sculpt and epoxy! It has been a game changer for me. I enclosed some pictures of my work using your wonderful [...]

One Twisted Tree

Instructions by Forest Rogers In case anyone is in need of a 24” twisted tree, I’ll summarize my approach to making one. For me, this tree helped consume those feverish days (and nights) before the New Orleans NIADA conference. It was an experiment, and better ways are likely out there... but, here’s the story: 1. [...]